Meditation is a very personal practice and there is no one-size-fits-all, but these general guidelines will help you along the way beautifully.
Meditation is far simpler and less complicated than most people think and the benefits can be astounding. If you haven’t ever tried it, why not give it a go…

On a daily basis our brains are full of simple as well as more complex thoughts. These thoughts fill our minds and overload us with emotion, anxiety, stress, worry and a general feeling of business. It’s not that all thoughts are negative, but a lot of thoughts travelling around our minds from one minute to the next, can be exhausting on a level we are not always aware.
The aim is to calm the storm within our minds and clear a path to peaceful, happy, and more positive thoughts. In most instances we meditate to clear our heads and hearts from that which hurts us and causes us pain or anxiety. In other words, we want to give our minds and body’s a rest, even if it is just for 20 min.
Physically meditation:
Improves sleep.
Assists the immune system.
Enables better oxygen flow through the body.
Produces the anti-ageing hormone DHEA.
Decreases blood pressure & cholesterol.
Reduces anxiety build up in tense muscles.
Decreases the production of stress hormones.
Mentally meditation:
Improves focus, self-esteem, contentedness and mindset.
Helps with developing a positive perspective.
De-clutters the mind.
Helps one deal with stress more effectively.
Reduces negative emotions.
Calms the mind and prepares it for tasks.
Spiritually Meditation:
Improves ones connection with others, through heightened self-awareness.
Provides a better understanding of Self.
Creates heightened levels of consciousness and presence.
Reduces ego and thoughts of self-importance.
Establishes improved perspectives of material assets.
Makes one aware of blessings. Boy, is this important!

LET’S GET STARTED, in 4 easy steps….
Find a comfortable place to sit and remember, you don’t have to sit with your legs crossed. Make sure your back is straight, your shoulders are relaxed and you are sitting, not standing. You can sit in a chair with your feet on the ground, legs un-crossed or even on your bed propped up by pillows. Just make sure you are comfortable.
Take some time to focus on your body, moving from top to bottom, and then your mind. Notice the sounds you can hear, a breeze you may feel, any pain or discomfort in your body and finally what thoughts are floating around your head. Try to gently move those thoughts out of your mind so that you are only focusing on your breath.
Breathing is very importing. Take a few deep, cleansing breaths to start. Now, breathe in slowly through your nose and out again slowly through your mouth. Simply focus on this action for 5/10 or 20 minutes.
When your thoughts starts to wander, don’t panic. Either go with what has come into your mind, or gently move your thoughts away from any negative feelings, by imagining you are calmly wafting them away with your hand.
There you go! You should feel calm and peaceful with no, or less, anxiety in your mind and body. It’s best to meditate every day. Start with 10 minutes and work up to 30min if you are able. You will feel re-charged and ready to take your next step. Remember to move gently from meditation into your day, taking the benefits of the meditation with you.
If you would like to take things a step further, here’s how…
Choose a mantra.
A mantra is a word or sentence that you say silently to yourself over and over during a meditation, to help focus your thoughts. Either you want to focus on what you are saying, i.e.: ‘I will only think happy thoughts today’. Or you simply use the mantra to stay centered and focused i.e.: ‘So Hum’ which means ‘I am’.
Repeating your mantra must be soft and gentle in your mind, it must not be forced.
If there is a specific goal you want to achieve or thought process you want to follow, a mantra will help focus your energy in this direction. Make sure your mantra is never too long and use your breath while repeating it. It must feel natural and personal.
Note * Meditation is a deeply spiritual practice and people study for many years to be masters and then train others in the field. There are many layers of consciousness, which can be achieved at various stages. This blog is a simple instruction on introducing entry-level yoga into your everyday life. Information has been gleaned from professionals and my own personal journey with meditation.
I told you it was far simpler than you may have thought. Life is busy and stressful, the more we are able to do that cleanses our bodies and minds, the better.